Wednesday, December 8, 2010

14: Representational, Abstract, Symbolic

Representative: Clock of Many Pedals

By: Rafael Assandri

This design incorporates representational flower forms into the look and function of a wall clock. The pedals which surround the digital center piece, in this concept clock, are suppose to function as a time telling piece. With the passing of time a pedal slowly emerges until the circumference of the clock is filled. The function of the pedals in this design is obscure to me, since I don't associate pedals or flowers with time; unless it's time lapse photography. I may be missing the connection here, flowers and time, but daisy pedals and time, coupled together, make me think of some lust filled adolescent longing for the attention of another; a clock for longing (?), is not a time piece I want to look at or use.

Abstract: Magic Carp-Pet

By:John Leung

The silhouette of a carp fish is abstracted into the graphical design of this carpet.  The silhouette of the fish, seen from the top view, can be seen as swimming through water, an implied motion by the various positions of the many fishes tails. Taking this into account the carpet itself becomes a metaphorical lake that these fish swim in. The fish are further abstracted by the use of a moire pattern. Coupled with a special glass table, placed on top of the carpet, an optical illusion of the fish swimming becomes present as one walks by.

Symbolic: Control: Safety Traffic Light Concept

By: Roberto Vackflores

This concept for a redesign of traffic safety lights uses several symbols to convey more information to the mobile citizen other than stop and go. Aside from the green and red colors denoting action or inaction the design incorporates a red cross inside of a square which has come to signify ambulances and medics. When this symbol is incorporated with the red light in conveys that an emergency vehicle may be approaching. This visual cue acts as a kind of siren, that emergency vehicles often use. However sound can be confusing, as far as locating its source. By placing a visual cue at an intersection it becomes clear that an emergency vehicle will be approaching that intersection.

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