Thursday, March 17, 2011


I'm interested in exploring the subject of "Places" through sound and the different sounds that particular places have. I've thought about two approaches for gathering content but haven't quite put my finger on the over all concept yet.

I'm thinking of doing a piece juxtaposing the outside experience, the visuals and sounds, at several locations around lake merit in Oakland with the inside visuals and sounds of the interiors of surrounding businesses. Maybe understanding something about how people live and experience their environment. It might be better to do a noisier place like Jack London Square, where trains pass and noise reduction is part of adaptation? Visually I will try and line up the shots so the framing of the visual will be the same for both the outside and inside contexts. And maybe doing a shot of the area from a bird's eye view, then alternating the two visual components while interchanging the interior and exterior sounds.

Another approach is to shoot a visual exploration of an area guided by the sounds that are heard. As an example, I would shoot a starting location focusing in on one sound from an array. I would then search out the source of the sound and shoot that location, listening again for a different sound to search out and so on. I'm thinking about interjecting sounds from the area that are unseen, like local radio and/or conversations with people.

I'm leaning towards the second idea. I'm going to work out some ideas around both and shoot it this weekend.

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